The PCB said the postponement was due to “political activity” in Islamabad, Rawalpindi’s twin city and Pakistan’s capital. “The Pakistan Cricket Board, in consultation with Sri Lanka Cricket, has postponed the last two 50-over matches of the Pakistan Shaheens-Sri Lanka A series due to political activity in the federal capital,” a statement from the PCB. “The last two matches were scheduled for Wednesday and Friday at the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium. Both boards will collaborate to finalize new dates to complete the series.”
The PCB had been worried about the impact the PTI protests would have on the series since the previous week. A few days ago, he announced that the first one-day tournament, which was also scheduled to be held at the Rawalpindi Cricket Ground, would be shifted to the Islamabad Club. The remaining two matches, according to the PCB, would have been played as scheduled at the Rawalpindi Cricket Ground on November 27 and 29. The change of venue for the first match was deemed necessary because it was scheduled for November 25, a day after Imran Khan made what he called a “final call” for his supporters to march to the capital to demand, among other things , , his release from prison.
The protests, which have virtually paralyzed the capital, have sparked a tense standoff between Imran’s supporters and the federal government. It has also demanded the attention of PCB chairman Mohsin Naqvi, who is also the country’s home minister.