The ETH supply in the centralized exchange reaches the minimum of 9 years of 8.97 million tokens

The number of ether (eth) maintained in wallets linked to centralized exchanges has fallen to a minimum of more than nine years of 8.97 million tokens, according to data tracked by Cryptorank and Santiment.

That is the lowest account since November 2015.

The continuous exodus of centralized commercial platform coins can lead to lower availability of coins in the market, which can cause an increase in upward prices.

“Investors continue to transfer ETH to cold storage, reducing the available liquidity. BTC saw a similar trend in January when Exchange reserves reached a minimum of 7 years, followed by an increase in prices,” Cryptorank said.

ETH supply in exchanges. (Cryptorank, Santiment)

The BTC number maintained in centralized exchanges reached a minimum of seven years on January 13, after prices rose from approximately $ 90K to more than $ 109K on later days.

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