The Government announced on Friday that it will repatriate the headlines of the Afghan Citizen Card (ACC) as part of its illegal foreigner repatriation program (IFFIF) in progress, which began on November 1, 2023.
In a statement, the authorities advised all illegal foreigners, including ACC holders, who leave Pakistan voluntarily before March 31. Deportation procedures will begin from April 1 for those who do not comply.
The Government declared that the repatriation process will be carried out in a human way, ensuring the return of all affected persons.
“Sufficient time for voluntary performance has been granted,” said the statement, and adds, “arrangements for food and medical care have also been made so that foreign citizens who return.”
Pakistan has long been the host of Afghan refugees and continues to defend their international responsibilities. However, officials reiterated that those who wish to remain in the country must meet the legal requirements and comply with the Pakistan Constitution.
Under the IFRP, all undocumented foreigners, including Afghans, are being repatriated. Afghan citizens sponsored by European countries or other foreign countries will not be deported for now, but their resettlement plans are not ended soon, they could also face deportation, according to sources from the Ministry of Interior.
As part of the program, 781 Afghan nationals have already been repatriated from Islamabad through Torkham’s border.