The largest ‘mega’ data center in the plan planned for South Korea in a $ 35 billion project

  • Huge data center in a huge South Korea is reaching South Korea.
  • The construction of the 3GW installation will be completed by 2028
  • The project will cost more than $ 10 billion, but it could reach $ 35 billion

The construction for the world’s largest data center has received the approval in South Korea, and it is predicted that it will generate an initial income of $ 3.5 billion, with an initial project size of $ 10 billion and the potential of reach $ 35 billion.

The Data Center will be built in the province of Jeollanam-Do, and will have a 3GW capacity, marking a great advance in the technological leadership of Korea, according to reports, “triple” the capacity of current hyper scale facilities operated by The tastes of the tastes of Microsoft, Google and Amazon.

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