The stars

The stars

In the second season of The last of usFans have been waiting for a romance among the main characters, Ellie and Dina.

Isabela Merced will play the new character while reflecting on the love interest and her sizzling chemistry with Bella Ramsey, who played Ellie.

“Our chemistry is undeniable, and gays will be fed. As if they were so happy. I love it,” he said IMDB.

The creators of the first season have already introduced Ellie’s rarity, since she fell in love with her friend Riley in episode 7.

Bella previously opened about her sexuality. “You never completely know who you are, it is ever evolving. But I certainly believe that people have gathered that I am not 100 percent heterosexual. I am a bit wavy, you know? That is what I like to say.”

“Relationships are so complex anyway, and if you are in the public eye, all with an opinion on them add an additional layer of difficulty,” the actress told Elle in 2023.

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