The Trailer of the New Season of Doctor Who promises new mysteries, spooky cartoons and musical madness

The first full length trailer for the new season of Doctor WhoThat arrives in April on Disney+ internationally and in the Iplayer BBC in the United Kingdom, it is here, and it seems that we are on a wild trip through time and space when the fifteenth Doctor of Ncuti Gatwa faces sinister cinemas, an interstellar song contest and the return of the mysterious Mrs Flood of Anita Dobson.

The most intriguing, the trailer, which can be seen just next, gives us our first suitable glance to the new companion Belinda Chandra, played by Varada Sethu, whose appearance as a different character in the ‘boom’ of last season seems to be more than a case similar to Karen Gillan of impressing enough producers to play a full -time role.

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