The first full length trailer for the new season of Doctor WhoThat arrives in April on Disney+ internationally and in the Iplayer BBC in the United Kingdom, it is here, and it seems that we are on a wild trip through time and space when the fifteenth Doctor of Ncuti Gatwa faces sinister cinemas, an interstellar song contest and the return of the mysterious Mrs Flood of Anita Dobson.
The most intriguing, the trailer, which can be seen just next, gives us our first suitable glance to the new companion Belinda Chandra, played by Varada Sethu, whose appearance as a different character in the ‘boom’ of last season seems to be more than a case similar to Karen Gillan of impressing enough producers to play a full -time role.
Throughout the trailer, we see glimpses of the original character of Sethu, Mundy Flynn, with the doctor commenting “there is something that already connects us.” Could we be in a Clara-Esque character spread by the doctor’s timeline? Anyway, Belinda is not interested in being on the trip, with the arc of the season of lasting the season in an epic search for the new partner to return to Earth.
The new footage also reveals Traitors The new villain of the United States host, Alan Cumming, Mr. Ring-A-Ding, which emerges terribly from the silver screen in 1952, to cause cartoon chaos, in addition to confirming that we have not seen the latest of the neighboring neighbor of Dobson while appearing in the audience of a version of a universe of the content of the Eurovision song, organized by nothing that is not other than any other Clark.
As expected, there is also the return of former companion Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) with Mel (Bonnie Langford) and Kate (Jemma Redgrave), despite the fact that the couple prepares for their own Spin-off unit.

The trailer arrives amid the rumors of cancellation for the program, and some claim that the increasingly demanded Gatwa had renounced the paper and that Disney, disappointed by the visualization figures last season, sought to end the production association after the last lot of episodes, which could lead to the BBC that put the adventure of SCI-FI in ICE.
However, the announcer recently issued a statement to the Radio times Disagree the concerns of fans who indicate: “This story is incorrect, Doctor Who has not been filed. As we have said previously, the decision in season 3 will be taken after season 2 is transmitted.”
If Gatwa left after season 2 of the show, he would mark the shortest mandate for an actor on paper (not including the 60th anniversary of the 60th anniversary of David Tennant as the fateful medical) from the surprise departure of Christopher Ecclestone after a season in 2005.
However, it is worth reiterating that nothing is confirmed today, and without any official sign that the fifteenth Doctor will regenerate in the short term, the eyes are firmly waiting for us when the new season falls in BBC Ilayer and Disney Plus on April 12.