Treasury Secretary Scott Besent, hires Galaxy’s digital lawyer to advise on cryptography

The United States Treasury Secretary Scott Besent appointed Galaxy digital regulatory lawyer, Tyler Williams, to advise on digital assets and Blockchain technology policy.

Williams currently serves as head of regulatory and legislative issues and regulatory advisor to Galaxy Digital and also gives part -time conferences at the Law Faculty of the University of George Washington.

He previously worked with the government, more recently as deputy secretary of the Department of Treasury under Steven Mnuchin from 2018 to 2020, where he advised about digital assets. He also worked under Senator Thom Tillis in the United States Senate and under congressmen Robert Hurt and John Boehner in the House of Representatives.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order earlier this month, accusing the departments of the Treasury and Commerce for the creation of a sovereign wealth fund that hopes it is believed before the end of this year.

While Bitcoin (BTC) has not been mentioned in relation to the fund, it could be a vehicle through which the government could buy and maintain cryptography.

Trump has previously proposed that the federal government has digital currencies as part of its National Reserve strategy. However, in an executive order, he only charged his cryptography advisors to evaluate the creation of a digital asset reserve.

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