UNISWAP passes a $ 165 million financing plan after DAO vote

The UNISWAP community has two green governance proposals to boost the growth of the Unichain network and the UNISWAP V4 protocol.

The initiatives, called “Uniswap Unleashed”, introduced a new program of subsidies and liquidity incentives while hinting in the initial steps for a “rate change”, a long -standing protocol vote that would pay a part of the commercial tariffs to the UniPs UniPr.

The relevant government positions have not directly mentioned a rate change, but observed plans to “activate income.”

The Foundation requested $ 95.4 million for its subsidy budget and $ 25.1 million for operations for two years, plus $ 45 million for liquidity incentives to attract users and the growth of the fuel ecosystem through developer campaigns.

Both proposals approved with more than 80% of the TOKENS UNI holders in favor, according to governance data.

The passage could now launch the change of rates, a community objective for a long time that some income of the protocol would have changed, currently more than $ 1 billion annually, of liquidity suppliers to the holders of the UNI. Its activation, delayed by past failed votes, depends on the legal preparations of the Foundation.

The proposal was initially proposed in July 2021 to pilot the switch for a small set of UNISWAP protocol groups. The switch will not increase rates for users, but will retain a small portion of what is currently paid to liquidity suppliers (LP), or users who block their tokens in UNISWAP in exchange for tariff rewards.

However, it could mean a profits of minor rates for the UNISWAP LP and more rewards for the Uniswap Native Uni Token token, which accumulates value for the UNI holders, leaving the proposal hanging in recent years. One of those votes was not approved in 2023 after being voted by the influential tokens holders.

Part of the steps to share income would be to make the UNISWAP Foundation, a non -profit organization that helps to develop and maintain UNISWAP, a legal entity, giving clarity about legal status and the ability to hire with other protocols.

“If our investigation is successful and we believe that the creation of a legal entity for the Governance of UNISWAP is the best for your best interest, we would propose a governance to implement a legal entity structure,” said the proposal.

“If adopted, this step would pave the way for the possible introduction (or reintroduction) of a government proposal so that delegates obtain protocol income,” he said.

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