Youtuber Andrew Cross withdrawn Vital Support

Youtuber Andrew Cross withdrawn Vital Support
Youtuber Andrew Cross withdrawn Vital Support

Youtuber Andrew Cross has died a month after a tragic car accident.

The outdoor adventure guide was taken from the life support on March 4, since it suffered a traumatic brain injury on January 31.

His sister, Jenna, announced her death in a statement published in Caringbridge, an organized site to update family, friends and fans under condition of the star of social networks, by People’s magazine.

“Hello friends, Andrew’s spirit is free, surrounded by light and love,” he began in his publication, and added that his death was “peaceful and full of love” and that Cross was surrounded by his parents, close friends and his wife Evelyn in the room at that time.

“Before getting Andrew from Life Support yesterday, they placed him in a mobile fan and walked throughout the ICU while all available personnel aligned in the hall as a way to honor him,” Jenna continued.

“Then, in the room, friends and family read the Scriptures, prayed and sang during the process of eliminating life support and for more than an hour later. It was peaceful and beautiful.”

He then extended his gratitude to his community for his “firm support and prayers” after his death, since a Gofundme page was established to help with the medical expenses of the Cross family that obtained $ 479,491 in donations.

“Andrew really lived his life, and his history and impact is not over yet. It has been wonderful to meet him in new ways, since we have seen photos and stories shared by so many,” he wrote before concluding the long tribute to Cross, which was known as “Drifter Desert” online.

“We expect more of that, since we honor a well -lived life,” the publication concluded.

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